A paperless system saves time, prevents errors, and eliminates filing and storage headaches. The RemoteLandlord system allows you to scan and archive images of all tenant documents, such as lease renewals and late notices, as well other documents such as invoices and bank statements, building schematics, and even pictures to document damages. The Filing Cabinet module organizes your documents so Property Managers can quickly find what they are looking for.



The Legal Calendar will assist you in dealing with problem tenants by enabling the system to issue alerts whenever it is time to take the next step in the legal process. If a tenant has agreed to make a payment by a certain date, you will be reminded on the expected date. If you have court dates scheduled, the system will maintain the calendar, so all the information you need is easily accessible. The software documents every step of the legal process, and enables you to charge the tenant a service charge for each legal action. The system will generate a court breakdown, and can generate many court forms.


The Smartphone module allows you to work virtually anywhere with real time access to your system. It supports most devices on the market today, including Android and iOS devices. Smartphone access is particularly useful when you send a manager to a property as it enables him to get a real time checklist of issues at that property. Being able to check tenant payment history and balance information is additionally helpful when in court.